Monthly Archives: May 2018

Beer can cauliflower????

Beer can cauliflower????

Yep folks, that what I said.  Not chicken.  I ran across this recipe and adapted it to fit what I thought we would like.   Gotta be honest though, not really sure on the purpose of the beer can except to keep it elevated off of the grill.  But hey, it looks really redneck and impressive, and you have to drink 1/4 of it prior to mounting the cauliflower, so we’ll call it good.

You will notice I’m not posting a final pic because my cauliflower took a tumble or two off the can and got a little charred – I don’t think I cut the stem end even enough, and didn’t pick the most even one at the store.  But anyway, I can tell you for sure that we’ll do this again.  Delish.  I have tried the mashed potatoes out of cauliflower game, and I am not a fan.  But this is really good, and you can adjust it with the amount of hot sauce that you like.  Also, you would typically put in shaved or minced garlic, but I figured I would try my hand at roasting garlic.  I cut the top off, rolled it around in some olive oil, salt and pepper, put in foil and on the grill it went.  WOW  That will be on garlic bread in the near future!  Anyway, I used the roasted garlic in this dish and it was super.

Quick, super easy and healthy!  Enjoy!

~Connie Kaye

Beer Can Cauliflower

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Identify beer of choice, open and consume 1/3 of the can (or dump it out).  Preheat grill to medium to medium high.

Trim the base of the cauliflower so it will be flat and sit on top of said beer can, but be careful that all florets are still intact.  Melt butter and add salt, liberally brushing cauliflower.  Place beer can on grill and Mr. Cauliflower on top of it.  Grill for about an hour, checking to make sure that he didn’t hop off of the beer can.   You want it to be tender and golden brown.

Melt additional butter, add hot sauce to taste along with grated garlic.  Brush cauliflower and place back on grill for about 15 minutes.    Remove from grill and brush with additional butter and salt.  Serve with blue cheese for a dip.